Significant web resource activities


As we said before, today the technology is a great opportunity for teachers and students. There are so many items this can offer to us in order to improve our English learning/teaching process.
The interaction that students may have with any of these resources is so relevant and important, this is so related to the way they learn, the English level they have and the abilities they had developed.  
In this section, we present you some info and examples about these interactions, to give you more details that help you to analyze and consider which resources work better for your necessities

What are the three types of significant web resource activities?

Felix (1999a) distinguishes three types of significant activities: 

Low level, medium level, and high level of interactivity.

-The activities of a low level of interaction consist of all kinds of tasks of a cultural and linguistic nature, but in which it is only necessary to “point and click”. These are basically activities that could be found on a CD-ROM, but the difference lies in the possibility of connecting these types of activities with related sites that offer authentic materials in connection with the activity.

- Within the activities of a medium level of interactivity, Felix (1999a) includes those that require student participation in tasks where some information must be completed. This type of activity can also be done through Chats or MOOs.

- Finally, there would be activities that involve a high level of interaction with authentic materials and in real virtual environments. These activities would include WebQuests or research-based works.
