A different way of teaching, WEBQUESTS!


Webquests are definitely a different way of teaching and assign tasks, so do not hesitate on using them. 

WebQuests are an inquiry-oriented activity in which students get all information from the web. Teachers provide their students with documents that include links to websites to use the information, according to the activity. 
(Abuhasnah, 2015)
Another great characteristic of WebQuests is that it provides a high level of interaction with authentic materials and in real virtual environments, and resources of all kinds, such as books, magazines, web pages, videos, games so on. 
Now teacher, do you know which advantages Webquest offers? 
  • It offers the possibility of using online educational environments: platforms, educational portals, etc.
  • Provides access to extensive databases of instructional materials.
  • Offers plenty of free software, especially that intended for creating of materials for the same website.
  • Provides the possibility of cooperation in intercultural projects.
  • It makes possible the authentic exploitation of the environment.
WebQuests are great!

Check out the three WebQuest we have for you!

With this WebQuest you will learn how to work with conditionals in an incredible way you won't believe it!

WebQuest - Conjunctive Adverbs

Who said that learning English grammar structures is boring?
If you love music and English this WebQuest is definitely for you!
You'll learn how to use conjunctive adverbs in a very entertaining and engaging way...

If you want to have a bigger vocabulary, this WebQuest will be great!
Here you'll have different words related to the bullying, something should be avoid in every classroom, enjoy and learn 

Pérez, C. (2004). DISEÑO DE WEBQUESTS PARA LA ENSEÑANZA- APRENDIZAJE DEL INGLÉS COMO LENGUA EXTRANJERA: Aplicaciones en la Adquisición de Vocabulario y la Destreza. [Documento en línea]. Recuperado de: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=729666
