M-Learning: the easiest way to learn English!

Learn English anywhere and everywhere!

Have you ever heard about M-learning?

Yes?, No?, Maybe? Ok, in case you didn't, M-learning, basically, is the learning through applications that we can easily use from our cellphones or any mobile device. 

"M-Learning, or, mobile electronic learning" is understood as a teaching and learning methodology that uses small mobile devices"
Santiago, Trabaldo y Kamijo (2015) 
Mobile Learning. Nuevas realidades en el aula.

This is a way of learning through mobile electronic devices such as phones or tablets, for example, through the use of applications, games, and even some social networks. These allow the users access to these at any time and anywhere, in order to facilitate and promote the self-learning process.

Duolingo, babel, Bussu, ELSA ... sounds familiar?
Well, these apps are nothing but some examples of what M-learning is.

Here we show you some practical and innovative Apps to learn English that will help you to reach your goal. 
We analyzed them for you, in case you decide to use one...

The first one we want you to check is this:


Teacher, now that you've checked "Hello English", it is important that you know that this App has a medium level of interactivity (Felix, 1999) which provides that the  students  learn in some type of action that requires completing information, even if the answer or the result is foreseen. Furthermore, the type of resources that offers the App, are Resources of Specific content for teaching as a Second Language, that is to say, it gives to the opportunity for practicing throughout Quizzes, games, dictionaries and tests. What's more, it provides a great advantage: The student has the opportunity to work on it and practice offline, which is great because it doesn't put limitations to learn and encourages the autonomy in learning. 
 In the section English resources, you'll find the page called "SPEKOO and BUSUU" which contains more info about it. 
Pérez C. (2004). DISEÑO DE WEBQUESTS PARA LA ENSEÑANZA- APRENDIZAJE DEL INGLÉS COMO LENGUA EXTRANJERA: Aplicaciones en la Adquisición de Vocabulario y la Destreza. [Documento en línea]. Recuperado de: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=729666 
