Learning English could be easy and fun, let us show you...

Netflix and chill? or Netflix and learning?
it's up to you now!

Hello again teachers and students! 

On this occasion, we are bringing you some video tutorials that will help you to learn English and, even to know your English level

If you're a student and you're looking for resources to practice English these websites are what you're looking for.

On the other hand, if you're a teacher, and you need something more to complement your classes, stop right here and check the next videos:

  • The first one we want to show you is ORORO TV
    have you ever pictured yourself learning English through series, movies, sitcoms, and your favorite shows? 
    Yes, it is possible, and in this video tutorial we'll show you how:
  • Also, despite the fact that is a excellent way to learn English, we regret to inform you that it has a low level of interaction according to (Felix 1999) which means that consists of all kinds of tasks of a cultural and linguistic nature, but in which you only need to "point and click."

  • The next tutorial we have for you is not as fun as the previous one, however, it will be very helpful for you.
    How many ti
    mes you have seen the typical websites that offer you to know your English level? I bet thousands, but...
    Are these websites reliable? are they officials? can you trust what they say?

    Well, in the following video, we have a very easy tutorial for you, from one of the best international organizations for English education, the British Council.
  • Do you know that this superb App has a medium level of interaction? That's more like it, right? It requires the student to engage in some type of action that requires completing information, even if the answer or the result is expected. And also, it provides resources of specific contents to learn English such as: Quizzes, test, exercises, videos, games, writing and so on. 

    This video will tell you, step by step, how to use this site to know your English level. Is so easy and very simple, we hope this could help you

  • Finally, the last tutorial we offer you is the funniest one made by our partner Jorge, from the website English News.
    If you're looking to practice your English skills and prove to yourself how good you are in the language, this site should be useful for you. 
  • This web side provides a Medium Level of Interactivity as well, and offers a wide variety of multimedia elements in various formats. 
  • Besides, it provides authentic resources of all kinds; for instance: books, magazines, articles, web pages, news and a lot of amazing resources.  
REFERENCES: Pérez, C. (2004). DISEÑO DE WEBQUESTS PARA LA ENSEÑANZA- APRENDIZAJE DEL INGLÉS COMO LENGUA EXTRANJERA: Aplicaciones en la Adquisición de Vocabulario y la Destreza. [Documento en línea]. Recuperado de: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=729666
