Speekoo and Busuu: do you know them?


Another learning English apps we'd like to recommend you are SPEEKOO and BUSUU, both are greats apps, however, each one has a different purpose and objective, as usual, we made our job and researched a little about them.


According to the Taxonomy of Bloom, this app offers an "Understand Level", because it allows students: Interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, summarizing and comparing. 

What's more, it suggests a medium level of interactivity (Felix 1999) which requires that the students do exercises of completing and analyze and provies resources as quizzes, tests, dictionaries and so on.  

BUSUU: At Bloom's Taxonomy, BUSSU, offers an "Understand level" as well. Owing to the resources that it provides, the students are able to create and analyze. In addition, it offers a medium level of interactivity which is great for an App.
REFERENCES: Pérez, C. (2004). DISEÑO DE WEBQUESTS PARA LA ENSEÑANZA- APRENDIZAJE DEL INGLÉS COMO LENGUA EXTRANJERA: Aplicaciones en la Adquisición de Vocabulario y la Destreza. [Documento en línea]. Recuperado de: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=729666 Dr, Mill. (2015). Tandem Consultores Legales. Taxonomía en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Retrieved from: http://tandemlegal.mx/publicaciones/?p=237#:~:text=Un%20concepto%20importante%20a%20manejar,de%20conocimiento%20que%20se%20desarrolla.
