Hello everyone! 😀✌ Are you an English teacher or a student? would you like to know more about this beautiful language? would you like to know some tips to improve your English learning? If at least one of the answers to these questions was YES, this site is for you! We are América Lizeth Méndez, Jorge Luna and Abril Trejo, future english teachers, from the Language School of Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango. It is pretty exciting to share this space with you as a technological resource to boost and improve your English teaching and learning. The purpose of this blog is merely to provide you some tips and knowledge to enhance your learning/teaching process and also, as a new educational option to try to immerse you into the English Language in a funny, attractive, interesting, and innovative way. Here you'll find practical resources and materials to help you and w e hope you find them useful. Without any further ado, let's jump into the material...